Welcome, Jayk, to the board.
Many of us are more than twice your age and understand what you are saying and feeling. We're all survivors and encourage you to stay here to receive the support that will get you through this.
More later.
it's bitter sweet to find a site like this..i was born in the truth.
when i was 16 i given the option to stop going.
father and mothers family are both witnesses.
Welcome, Jayk, to the board.
Many of us are more than twice your age and understand what you are saying and feeling. We're all survivors and encourage you to stay here to receive the support that will get you through this.
More later.
much as been revealed over the years to the date setting doctrines made by the wts.
such as ( 1874, 1914, 1925 , 1975 this generation, the last days, the end times etc.... which were not created by other christian based faiths.. as to critically examine why might reveal a hidden agenda to all these date setting proclamations.. the point in question is did the wts and its leaders intentionally manipulate or exploit the preaching of the gospel to enhance the proliferation of their own printed publications ?.
i would say convincingly yes, no question.
An evil motive is not necessary to mislead or abuse. Sometimes a firm conviction that we're right, left unchallenged, is enough to cause abuses. -- vienne
Thank you, vienne, for triggering a memory. We who worked at Bethel believed our work meant salvation for those who took hold of the skirt of a Jew, i.e., accepted the the truth as espoused by the anointed remnant. One dear anointed sister -- Sister Kraker -- worked in subscriptions. When I was there for a matter I cannot recall, she held up a yellow Awake! form and said that represented the possibility that the recipient of the magazines, via the mail, would learn the truth.
I cannot speak for everyone else, of course, but those close to me bound books and magazines, distributed them in service, and used their contents during meetings to edify the listener. Even the higher ups I knew well or simply observed about their work, were sincere in their service to Jehovah and their fellowman. The pursuit of monetary gain and ulterior motives -- if present at all -- were surely well hidden from me.
Yet, as I look back now, I understand the reality of what you wrote regarding abuses incurred. Is this, in our now contrite state, the realization of the law of unintended consequences?
the listeners.
'is there anybody there?’ said the traveller, .
knocking on the moonlit door; .
One critique I read stated that Nature is indifferent to the anxiety felt by the "traveller," who wished only to acquit himself of a promise made. Yet, we have no clue what he promised and if the lodgers moved on in the flesh but left behind their essence.
i love the rifleman!
i’ve seen it a million times and still will watch it !
and goodfellas, the movie as well as the sopranos.
Look at Ingrid Bergman's face . . .
And, then, listen to Louis: "I'm shocked! I'm shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!"
"Your winnings, Sir."
"Oh, thank you very much!"
the listeners.
'is there anybody there?’ said the traveller, .
knocking on the moonlit door; .
Walter de la Mare offered no analysis, which others have sought to do. He stated only that the "Traveller" had discovered "a universe."
Yes, "phantoms," whatever that could mean, realistically or metaphorically. A higher realm, another dimension where contact with another world is either impossible or not desired. Just my viewpoint.
Man cannot connect with Nature nor can he connect with the universe . . .
much as been revealed over the years to the date setting doctrines made by the wts.
such as ( 1874, 1914, 1925 , 1975 this generation, the last days, the end times etc.... which were not created by other christian based faiths.. as to critically examine why might reveal a hidden agenda to all these date setting proclamations.. the point in question is did the wts and its leaders intentionally manipulate or exploit the preaching of the gospel to enhance the proliferation of their own printed publications ?.
i would say convincingly yes, no question.
the artist peers into the rubble of death and decay and glimpses what one less inured to such travesty cannot.
he sees form, even intricate structure of great complexity, and, ultimately, a singular, transcending beauty.
the believer in what is not easily read by most people senses that, in the swirl of visual chaos and stench of life’s loss, renewed life will, assuredly, come forth.. .
You never know what will trigger a memory, a thought, an ensuing story.
Mom was an avid fan of Pearl S. Buck, who spoke Chinese before English. I, too, am a fan of that writer of captivating stories of the Orient. I have The Good Earth, My Several Worlds, and Far and Near.
Ms. Buck explains how her village in China was invaded by hostile forces and she and other citizens fled, with no time to gather up belongings. Left behind, too, was the manuscript of her new book. I need to rediscover the page where she describes her attitude toward leaving all behind. Very philosophical and accepting, I recall.
Having composed music and performed on stage for years, setting up art exhibits for myself and other artists, and posting poetry and short stories online for a dozen-plus years, I get what it's all about and what it isn't all about.
Most of us are small fish in a big pond. No matter. Fifty years ago I was prepared to set the world of art on fire. Now, I just want to stay warm.
Thanks, friends, for your input and friendship over the years.
Frank Carton
the artist peers into the rubble of death and decay and glimpses what one less inured to such travesty cannot.
he sees form, even intricate structure of great complexity, and, ultimately, a singular, transcending beauty.
the believer in what is not easily read by most people senses that, in the swirl of visual chaos and stench of life’s loss, renewed life will, assuredly, come forth.. .
THE ARTIST PEERS INTO THE RUBBLE OF DEATH AND DECAY and glimpses what one less inured to such travesty cannot. He sees form, even intricate structure of great complexity, and, ultimately, a singular, transcending beauty. The believer in what is not easily read by most people senses that, in the swirl of visual chaos and stench of life’s loss, renewed life will, assuredly, come forth.
With or without mortal man’s attendance upon life’s reemergence from the grave, this process is an unending cycle: life, death, renewal. The destruction of the painter’s canvas, the writer’s essay, or the composer’s manuscript is not an untenable blow to the creator’s genius. Whether the ensuing conflagration is by literal fire or the public’s outrage over a body of work ahead of its time, the perceptive artist knows the phoenix shall arise resplendent from the ashes. Her song shall be heard.
The masterwork hidden away in the cemetery of a cellar long forgotten will be rediscovered and premiered before a now humbled and contrite audience. The artist, at last freed from earthly care and turmoil, observes amongst a once unbelieving public what he never ceased believing:
Beauty shines forth where the eyes of others have yet to fall. Beauty sings forth what their ears have yet to hear . . .
just now, i saw the gain of one hour on my computer clock, its having gone from 1:59 am directly to 1:00 am.. hadda tell you that i "fell back.".
good morning!.
Thank you, dear LV101, for sharing your story!
Cut flowers and potted plants indoors are a must.
the listeners.
'is there anybody there?’ said the traveller, .
knocking on the moonlit door; .